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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Eczema, Sensitive Skin and Sunscreen

So we all know that part of good sun safety is sunscreen. What do you do when you have little ones with extremely sensitive skin and bad eczema?

Well, I have two year old and a 11 month old and I've been trying to figure it out. I keep them out of the sun and use UV protective clothing as much as possible and of course I've spent a small fortune in sunscreen trying to see what would work for me. With their sensitive skin, it seemed that every sunscreen I tried had issues. Some gave my children all over body rashes, others would work on limbs but if applied to the trunk of the body - a rash appeared. Others just made my daughter's eczema (which usually clears up pretty well in summer) worse! Talk about expensive, purchasing a bottle only to discover after one application that it wouldn't work for us. After testing literally dozens of sunscreens I settled on two that worked fairly well. Aveeno Baby didn't give a rash, though I did find it left a film and was a bit gritty. The other was Ocean Potion which I couldn't find in stores near me but ordered it on line from a company in the USA. I wasn't thrilled with either but they were the best that I'd come up with...until now.

After hearing about Set for a Sizzling Summer, Smartshield sent me some to review. I was thrilled since sunscreen is expensive and I had given up on finding the perfect one. I did my usual tests; a little on the limbs - wait day, a little more - wait a day; I didn't want my littles to experience yet another body rash or itchy, irritated eczema. Much to my surprise, there was no reaction. Several weeks and many, many applications later I am convinced.
SmartShield Sunscreen works for me even with the littles sensitive skin and eczema!
Neither of my little ones have had any skin reactions and I actually think that it (along with the sun) has been helping Chloe's eczema because it has mostly cleared up again. SmartShield sunscreen goes on easily, leaves no residue and isn't greasy.

They carry a wide range of products. Their formula is oil-free, aloe-vera based, hypoallergenic and waterproof. You can read more on their informative site.

SmartShield was kind enough to send me a couple sample packets which I would like to give away to a reader out there to try. If you have been trying countless sunscreens, looking for one that will work with your little ones skin issues, leave a comment.

  • will choose a winner on 7/24/09.
  • Open Worldwide.
  • Linked to Works for Me Wednesday. While I would usually never link a product review to someone else’s meme, I thought this one warranted it. Finding a sunscreen that works with skin problems can be so frustrating and expensive!! (Been there!)


  1. fabulous... I'd love to try it!!

  2. I would love to try this product. I've been trying to find something for ages!
    Thanks for posting....

  3. I've tried loads of sunscreens and i know what you mean, it isn't cheap! I'd love to try this!

    Featherrain15 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  4. this sounds just like my daughter who suffers with skin problems may be looking for

  5. I've been searching for a non-greasy sunscreen to put on my face! Even the ones that claim to be non greasy still make me feel like I've slathered myself in oil *L*

  6. Oh yes! i would love to try this for my kids, i have tried others but i don't like the oily feeling to them.

    daer0n_ at hotmail dot com

  7. If you have a lot of iron in your water at home, be careful when applying sunscreen with avobenzone, which this sunscreen contains. IT reacts with the iron that is left behind in your clothes, and leaves orange stains that are very hard to remove. I have found this out the hard way with several different sunscreens. It has been worse with the gel and spray-on formulas.

  8. I would love to try this out as my eldest son (22 months old) has bad eczema and the sunscreen we are currently using is making his skin worse even though it is a 80% all natural and expensive brand!


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