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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pasta Pesto - Fast and Easy

Pasta Pesto is my "oh no what are we eating" dinner when the day has gotten away from me, or my fallback when we need to go grocery shopping and I have nothing else. It is also a good meal for Wednesday nights when we're rushing to eat and get out the door to church!
  • Boil your pasta
  • add a TBSP (depending on how much you make) of Pesto* and stir.
  • it's especially nice with a little grated cheese.
*I haven't yet made our own pesto - I buy it in a jar but you hardly use any with the pasta. There are two types: tomato or olive oil, parsley, garlic, pine nuts etc. unopened it sits in the cupboard and once opened keeps for weeks/months in the fridge. Even my daughter (who is two) loves it.
I suppose I am cheating this week since it really isn't a recipe but like I said, it is my fallback pasta which we eat a couple times a month! Have a good pesto recipe for me? I'd love to hear it!


  1. Don't fotget about Epicure Pesto. It's dried and in the jar - just add olive oil and some cheese and you're set.


  2. I don't think it's cheating if it involves boiling water and mixing. Posting the phone number to Pizza Hut might be considered cheating. ;)

  3. There's nothing like freshly made pesto:
    From my food blog. Enjoy! :)


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