John has been a little fussy lately. He has also been waking up every 2 1/2 hours. I can't remember a night that he slept longer than that. The other day he cried and cried. I gave him a little Motrin and a home-made melon Popsicle and *boom* he was happy as anything. Maybe he's getting a little tooth pushing through. I haven't felt anything yet but I think it's on it's way. A happy and sad moment. I'm happy that he is growing up the way God intended but I am sad that his toothless and dorky baby grin will all too soon disappear. Babies grow up so fast!
Tuesday morning, despite delays and extra spills at breakfast, we made it out to ladies bible study and were only a few minutes late. Hurray! When Jaiden walked in the door that morning I had to laugh since Chloe was wearing almost the same dress as she was. At bible study they asked if I planned it :) Chloe loves her rubber boots so even if they don't match the outfit, I indulge her. Don't sweat the little things right?
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