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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

TUT: Healthier You (Me!) Challenge


A Google search of 'Tune Up' revealed the following definition:
An Adjustment for Better Functioning
A search of 'Adjustment' revealed the following:
A Small Change, A Minor Correction, A Modification

What is Tune-Up Tuesday? Find out more HERE!

So today, I am not so much sharing a tune-up I’ve completed but rather one that is going to start today! My sweet baby John-John is a year old this month and after I had him I lost 9lb 9oz + right away and that was about it! lol. With Chloe (my first) the weight dropped off so much faster! Anyone else having the same trouble? C'mon, surely I can’t be the only one wandering around with – ummm –" “more of me to love” than there used to be?

Well, it’s time to do something about it. Something drastic. I’m challenging you to take the “Healthier You” challenge with me! Over the next couple weeks we’ll talk about some of the things that I (and you too my friend?) struggle with and areas that we need to “tune-up” to be healthier.

Before we go any further, I think it is important to think about what “healthy” is. 

It isn’t just about losing weight and it isn’t just about exercise. To be a healthy person encompasses not only the body but also the mind (attitude) and the soul: it’s about balance.  Let me share with you some words that came up when I looked up the definition of healthy: secure, functioning well, showing good judgment, vigor, wholesome. Interestingly enough, the word “thin” did not appear at all. Now who wants to be thinner? Show of hands? I’m flapping both of mine over my head! (yes, I look ridiculous!) But if “thinner’ is our only goal and sole motivation then we may be doomed to failure before we start.

Healthy isn’t a passing fad; something you do for a few weeks. ‘Healthy’ comes slowly, over time, with much work and effort, one small step at a time that leads to permanent change. Healthy is a lifestyle choice!

Next week we’ll jump right into the fire with Part #1: Our Bodies!

So with all of that being said,this week I encourage you to think about what ‘healthy’ means to you. You can write a blog post about it any time this week and link back here (directly to your post please) or you can just share your thoughts in the comments.

Do you have a tune-up you are working on or completed? Link up or share a comment!


  1. I have about 5 pounds of baby weight (or should I say 7 baby's weight) hanging on! I really need to get disciplined and just stop eating late and doing a little exercise and I know it would be easy to lose. Thanks for the motiviation!

  2. Whoops! That should have been motivation! Time for bed when I stop being able to spell!

  3. This is a great idea for a series. Being "thin" is not the goal (although fitting into pre-pregnancy jeans is a pay off!)

  4. I just found your blog from Beth's blog. I had already written today about my first run that I took last night. And no you are not the only one with the baby weight loss. . .


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