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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Anniversary!


On 05/05/05, I married a wonderful man.

We were married in a lemon/orange grove at the Hilton Palace in Sorrento, Italy. We spent almost three weeks exploring Italy with a quick trip to Paris, France thrown in. It was amazing (though I did get homesick and spent the last two days crying LOL).

But you know, that was just the beginning. The past four years have been filled with ups, downs, happy and sad moments. Thus far, we’ve been blessed with three little ones, though the Lord took one sweet baby home before we had the chance to meet them.

There have also been a lot of funny moments as I learned to be (and still am learning) to be a homemaker since I was domestically-challenged when we first got married. My husband has been patient with me through pink underwear, burnt meals, and a plethora of other domestic disasters!

I am thankful that:

  • he loves me and our family
  • is patient with me
  • has a sense of humor (though it does tend to be a bit dry LOL)
  • he keeps me warm at night
  • provides for our family which allows me to stay at home
  • he’s smart
  • he’s  kind
  • he’s handsome :)
  • he is able to cook, clean and iron – and that he was willing to teach me LOL
  • he is practical, as sometimes I am not…
  • he is steady, dependable
  • he is fun (though he says he isn’t LOL)
  • he’s supportive of all my crazy ideas – and willing to help me accomplish them.
  • he has so many other wonderful qualities!

I am so thankful for this man God has given me and I pray that God will help me to be exactly what I need to be in order to complete him!



  1. That is amazingly sweet! May God bless you both and your marriage!

  2. Happy Anniversary!! Wow, Italy, huh? How special! And what a great picture of you and your husband.

  3. Congratulations!

    I think anniversaries make the perfect "memorial stones" in our modern world. What a great chance to stop and remember.

  4. Happy anniversary! May God bless you with many more happy years!


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